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A woman in a red hooded jumper wearing a a black FitBit on her wrist.

Can the fitbit change my behaviour?

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A man is sat on a sofa, holding a console remote controller and smiling.

2016 - the year when computer games heal you

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A man in a checked blue shirt is smiling while his friend puts his hand on his right shoulder.


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Image for HIV – past, present and (uncertain) future

HIV – past, present and (uncertain) future

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Close up of a quit smoking support booklet from the Quit For Them campaign for Public Health Wales.

Quit for Them launches across North Wales

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Josh Littlejohn, Founder of charity Social Bite, is speaking into a microphone.

Social Change UK to host first ever sustainable business conference

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A head and shoulders image of Jo Fairley, co-founder of Green and Blacks chocolate.

Jo Fairley of Green & Blacks will headline our business conference this October

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The hand of a young adult is holding a packet of cigarettes as someone takes one from the packet.

Youth smoking and vaping in Lincolnshire

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A pregnant woman cradles her baby bump in one hand hilst holding a glass of red wine in the other.

A problem with drinking during pregnancy?

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Six young girls are looking down at the camera and reaching towards a volleyball.

School girls hijack social media campaign

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A close up image of five £1 coins on top of a receipt.

Committed to paying the living wage

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A salesman is speaking to a blonde woman and demonstrating a range of e-cigarettes.

What impact have e-cigarettes had on smoking behaviour?

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