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Aerial view of a range of e-cigarettes, arranged in a circle on a wooden surface.

E - cigarettes highly appealing to 11- 12 year old girls

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The bottom half of a young woman's face is shown as she holds an e-cigarette to her lips.

Young people ARE using E-cigarettes say Headteachers

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Four people are sat holding different shaped speech bubbles in front of their faces.

So what research methods work best?

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A bulb on muddy ground. Inside the bulb is a small plant growing from a mound of mud.

Lincoln based social research and campaign company awarded growth grant

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A gold award is laid on a blue background, with gold star sequins spilling from the top.

Social Change UK wins award!

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A young girl looks away from her mother, who angrily holds an open packet of cigarettes.

Working in Wales to prevent smoking in 11-12 year old girls

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A couple are in a supermarket, adding items to their shopping trolley.

Helping the Lincolnshire Cooperative with their new brand

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Two white cardboard takeaway boxes, containing fresh noodles and vegetables, are on a wooden table.

Campaign for healthier takeaways

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A man in a blue checked shirt sits against a grey step, holding a glass of alcohol.

Derby to tackle alcohol related crime and drinking in the home

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Road signs for Downing Street and Whitehall are displayed on the corner of a building.

Nudge unit will be spun out of Whitehall

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Three tall shot glasses are being filled at a bar.

Is Britain’s binge drinking getting dangerously out of control?

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A healthcare worker sits on a sofa with a young woman who is holding a baby on her knee and smiling.

Helping the NHS to develop innovative IT solutions to engage new mums

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