2 campaign branded DL flyer covers featuring photos of carers and their care-users.

The mission.

The importance of ‘me-time’ for carers 

Three in four carers have admitted to suffering from stress and anxiety due to not having an outlet for support or respite. Through our research as part of the campaign, we ascertained that hidden carers often lack time for themselves and unfortunately the “little things” that can make such a difference – such as a quick catch up with a friend or a sit down with a book - are the first to be sacrificed. ‘We Care for You’ aimed to reinforce the message that carers have an outlet they can reach out to, and that the help and support is there whenever they need it.  

A campaign poster displayed on the wall in a waiting room.

The research.

Co-creation with carers 

We engaged with people who currently have a caring responsibility for a friend or relative, to find out what resources they would find useful in supporting their role and how this might be presented, so that the resource is valuable and provides the right messaging support to others like them. We conducted telephone and virtual interviews with a sample of carers who had experience  of and had received support through various channels. This enabled us to co-create effective resources that would provide reassurance and clear signposting for how they could access vital carer support.  


Campaign branded guide book for carers featuring imagery of care-givers and their care-users.

The campaign.

A pocket guide to support me-time 

As part of the campaign, we created a pocket guide filled with practical advice for making “me time” a reality, which is available in print and as a downloadable resource via the Carer’s First website. We promoted this using paid advertising, PR activity and print / outdoor advertising, highlighting the fantastic work Carer’s First do and boosting their brand recall in the areas they service. 

A campaign branded design for digital screen in waiting rooms and receptions.
Over 1 million campaign impressions
480 pocket guide downloads / requests
8 carers engaged with co-creation