4 Campaign posters with bold messaging and illustrations against a teal background

The mission.

Raising awareness of vaccine benefits 

The Public Health Team in North Wales asked us to help them design and deliver a public health co-created engagement campaign to increase take-up of the 'Teenage Booster' - a 3-in-1 vaccine, which is given as a single injection into the upper arm to boost your child's protection against three separate diseases: tetanus, diphtheria and polio. They specifically asked us to: 

  • Increase understanding of how vaccinations work and why they are important
  • Alleviate worries related to vaccination
  • Prepare teenagers for what to expect before, during, and after being vaccinated
  • Provide comprehensive signposting to reliable vaccination resources; and
  • Develop a brand identity to reach audiences and raise awareness of the campaign.
A campaign branded tri-fold flyer

The research.

A co-created campaign designed using audience insight 

Collaborating closely with public health professionals, we first conducted focus groups spanning North Wales to uncover behavioural insights. Our goal was to delve into young people's thoughts, experiences, motivations, and hurdles related to vaccinations, and to discover how the process can be made less daunting, to encourage more young people to take up the vaccination.

The findings from these sessions were meticulously analysed by our behavioural insights team, shaping the development of our campaign's creative and key messages. Key insights included:

  • The Power of peers and influencers in decision-making 
  • A desire to understand the entire process from start to finish 
  • Motivations and barriers to uptake
  • The use of shock tactics


The campaign.

Supporting young people through the vaccination process 

We created a suite of assets which utilised the suggested messaging and imagery from the insights gathered from students and young people. The assets included bilingual posters, banners, leaflets and vaccine cards to highlight the vaccination procedure, dispel myths and perceptions of the process and provide reassurance on the benefits to having the vaccination. We delivered a campaign that: 

  • Gave young people information about vaccinations and what to expect without overloading them
  • Delivered information in a clear and concise manner
  • Reassured young people about upcoming vaccinations, being truthful without fearmongering
  • Ensuring assets were visually engaging, using bold visuals and copy to catch people’s attention and draw them in
  • Utilised colour, choosing calming colours - never red!

The campaign was friendly, light-hearted, and fun – focusing on the benefits of getting vaccinated whilst educating the audience on what each vaccine does.

Examples of campaign branded instagram post designs
Image for Teenage Booster Immunisation Campaign
4 focus groups carried out with young people
5 actionable insights