Two campaign branded pop-up banners against a light purple backdrop showing a pregnant woman snapping a cigarette in half and another smoking a cigarette.

The mission.

A campaign to encourage expectant mothers to quit smoking.

Recognising the risks of smoking during pregnancy and the impact it can have on a baby's life, Hertfordshire County Council asked Social Change to develop a campaign that would encourage expectant mothers and their partners (and close relatives who may expose the mother and baby to second-hand smoke) to quit smoking.

A campaign poster displayed on the wall in a waiting area.

The campaign.

Understanding how to make an impact.

We conducted research with women who smoked during their pregnancy or stopped when they became pregnant, to find out what works and what doesn't work to encourage behaviour change.  

We used the insights from research to develop the visuals and copy most likely to create an impact. This included using some shock tactics and directing the message to all members of the family as women who smoke during their pregnancy told us that they find it hard to quit if their partner or close family member smokes around them. 

This campaign was designed to work online and offline. Resources for healthcare professionals were also developed, including a 'guide to conducting a brief intervention' which is given to midwives on a lanyard. 

The impact.

Six years after its launch, this brand is strong within Hertfordshire and is widely known within the resident and health community. Hundreds of family members have been helped to quit smoking and the concepts continue to evoke an emotional response. The campaign and strength of the Love Your Bump brand made it widely recognizable to NHS organisations and public health departments across the country when it won a national award, and NHS organisations such as North Yorkshire have adopted the brand and localised it to make it work for them in their local area. 

Two campaign informational leaflets, one closed to show the front page and the other open two show the content inside.
2 campaign informational flyers, one showing the front side and the other showing the reverse side.
2 NHS organisations have adopted this brand
100+ families helped to quit in the pregnancy stage
1 national award