Image for HeadsUp Campaign

The mission

A campaign to help men get happy and stay happy.

Buckinghamshire County Council asked us to design a campaign to help men feel happier. Research and local data told us that a  lot of men don’t like to seek advice or support from professionals - or even friends and family - when they are feeling low. This can lead to many developing serious mental health issues or worse - ending their life.

Image for HeadsUp Campaign
A man washing his hands in a public toilet which has a Heads-Up campaign decal on the mirror.
Front and back sides of a scratch card made for the campaign featuring steps to stay happy.

The campaign

A digital campaign supported by targeted print advertising.

Our research with men aged 30 to 59 years found that 60% of men do not seek help for mental health concerns and prefer to 'deal with it' on their own. We created a campaign, online resource and designed some unique print materials to help men identify and deal with issues that crop up in life from time to time.

The impact.

We utilised social media, created a bespoke website and partnered with organisations interested in men’s mental health. The website design was carefully considered – from the language to the navigation. We also created a downloadable PDF called 'How to Talk to Men', for concerned friends or family members who need help communicating effectively with a man who is feeling low. 

160,880 Social media reach in 8 weeks
800 Men completed the online screening in 7 weeks
2000+ Weekly website visitors