Various pages of the report showing infographics, tables and covers placed on a light purple backdrop.

The mission.

Establishing the value of mental health services to individuals and staff.

Everyturn Mental Health (Everyturn), a prominent national, non-profit organisation, work to provide mental health support services on behalf of the NHS and provide a range of support for people with mild to complex mental health needs and conditions. Recognising the importance of demonstrating their impact both on services users and internal staff, Everyturn embarked on a mission to enhance how they measure this. They sought to better measure their influence, understand the impact they are having and better quantify the social value they are creating. To support them with this, we engaged with service users, their carers/relatives and staff to understand the outcomes Everyturn are creating and how they could improve. 

Various colourful pages of the report showing illustrated infographics.

The research.

A mixed methodology to measure impact 

We began with a review of existing data and held workshops with internal staff members to better understand how services interact and deliver support to their users. This was followed by an insights survey, in-depth telephone interviews and a storycapture exercise with service users, their carers/relatives and staff. This helped us to identify and delve-deep in exploring the real-life experiences of service users, carers/relatives and staff, and the ways in which Everyturn is delivering meaningful impact. Key findings, impacts and lessons learned were communicated in a full report. 

The impact.

The report included a series of audience-led recommendations to help Everyturn evolve their service delivery, and maximise their impact as an organisation. These addressed internal processes, service delivery and ways in which impact is captured and evaluated. Through these recommendations and the continued evolution of the organisation as a whole, Everyturn can continue to deliver high quality care, maximise the support they provide, and help alleviate pressures on NHS commissioned mental health services. 

Two case study pages showing content and illustrations.
A hand holding a case study from the report.
Over 200 members of staff and service users engaged
Over 20 stakeholders took part in workshops
11 actionable recommendations provided