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Two smartly dressed professionals smile at a tablet being held by one of the colleagues.

Reaching your target audience on YouTube

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Image for In the news: Mental Health, Coca Cola, Dark Ads and Cycling

In the news: Mental Health, Coca Cola, Dark Ads and Cycling

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A man's hand holding a black packet of cigarettes, with one cigarette raised in the packet.

Youth Smoking

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A man sat on a bed in a dark room with his legs crossed and face in his hands.

Should we just sit and wait until another celebrity takes their own life?

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A group of professionals holding different devices smile down at an electronic tablet.

LinkedIn: a powerful marketing platform for business

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Someone is refilling their car with petrol.

In the news: smoking in cars and Love Island smokers

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Four children are smiling and laughing whilst riding their bikes on a gravelly path.

...In Case You Missed It

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Image for I am not proud of the inequalities we face - time to shake things up!

I am not proud of the inequalities we face - time to shake things up!

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Someone passes a red, 3D heart to another as three surgeons work in the background.

...In Case You Missed It

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Someone is throwing their smartphone in an open-top bin.

A week without social media: Did I survive?

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A blurred image of a man sat in the car, holding his phone out to share what's on the screen.

Should I invest in Twitter Ads?

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Two men dressed in smart suits holding multicoloured or rainbow coloured flags.

...In Case You Missed It

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