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A man wearing glasses is staring at his smartphone with his mouth open in shock.

The dark side of marketing: Shock tactics

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Image for In the news: Children failed and smart home gadgets helps domestic abuse

In the news: Children failed and smart home gadgets helps domestic abuse

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Image for In the news: Air pollution increase GP visits and ready meals

In the news: Air pollution increase GP visits and ready meals

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Eight people each put a hand into the middle of a table, one on top of another.

3 Step guide to purpose

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A young man sits with his back against a wall, with his knees up to his chest and his head down.

Mental Health: What not to say

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Two baby feet standing on a digital weighing scale.

Childhood obesity

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Image for In the news: “Good” and “bad” fats and tea towel food poisoning

In the news: “Good” and “bad” fats and tea towel food poisoning

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A group of children are sat on a bench looking at and playing on smartphones and tablets.

The 7 day threat to change social media forever?

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Someone is holding a silver-plated stopwatch which is pointing towards '10 seconds'.

6 seconds can revolutionise your business or campaign

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Image for In the news: Smartphone zombies, spotting drunks and addictive social media

In the news: Smartphone zombies, spotting drunks and addictive social media

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Image for Healthy placemaking could save lives, and reduce costs and pressures on the NHS

Healthy placemaking could save lives, and reduce costs and pressures on the NHS

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A booklet for the executive summary for the Healthy Placemaking project for Design Council.

Healthy Placemaking Executive Summary

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