Business Lincolnshire Growth Hub Evaluation
We worked with Lincolnshire County Council to evaluate their Business Growth Hub and Growth Lincolnshire Programme.
More +We worked with East Lindsey District Council and NHS Lincolnshire CCG to generate behaviour change recommendations for increasing the uptake of the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme.
To understand the behavioural determinants of accessing and engaging with the NHS Diabetes Prevention Programme (DPP) for those who at high risk of Type 2 diabetes, including what factors may hinder engagement.
Our mission was to generate insight to better understand what stops people from using the DPP and how its delivery, marketing or discourse can be transformed for maximum reach and impact in Mablethorpe, Sutton on Sea and Trusthorpe, to encourage greater uptake of the services.
Following an initial scoping review of national and local data on Type 2 diabetes, diabetes management and the local picture, we developed insight surveys to understand the views of key audience groups including at-risk populations of residents, healthcare professionals and people of influence in local communities (Community Connectors).
The surveys explored residents’ views, motivations and behaviours around accessing the DPP; their understanding of Type 2 diabetes; and their awareness, needs and expectations of prevention support.
To qualitatively explore the topics and themes from the research, we then conducted interviews with residents to generate a deeper understanding and analysis of their support needs, the best touch-points for support information and the underlying features of their decision whether or not to engage with the DPP.
We used the research to develop insights to action: 6 specific recommendations to East Lindsey District Council to inform strategy about how to engage at-risk population groups through changes to their marketing and communications about the DPP and modifications to service delivery and structure.
We illustrated these behavioural insights and actions for change through a visual report including profiles of two audience personas to represent views of key behavioural demographics.
We explored the approaches that will make the strongest emotional connection with residents and increase positive perceptions of the DPP for increased engagement and reduced prevalence of Type 2 diabetes in Mablethorpe, Sutton on Sea and Trusthorpe.
We worked with Lincolnshire County Council to evaluate their Business Growth Hub and Growth Lincolnshire Programme.
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