A campaign poster being displayed outdoors at a train station.

The Mission.

Time to call out bad behaviour. 

This campaign was designed to encourage perpetrators to change their behaviour, bystanders to challenge unacceptable behaviour, and to report unacceptable behaviour to the police.

The key outcome we wanted to see was men feeling more empowered to speak candidly to their friends about their attitudes and behaviours, and start to break down ‘lad culture’ and show people how their actions affect other people.

A mockup showing 3 campaign branded social media post designs using imagery and text urging men to call out their friends for misogynistic and harassing behaviour.

The research.

Created with love - and behavioural science. 

The research for this project spanned four months and included a snap survey, three insights surveys, and resident interviews. The resident interviews helped us to understand how certain attitudes and actions made people feel, which allowed us to create engaging content that focused on the perpetrators and not the victims.

Behavioural science was embedded in the design process and tested with people ahead of launch. 

Image for Call Them Out

The campaign.

What we did. 

We worked across a range of channels to deliver this campaign,  creating many different media assets to engage people, including reels and animation. This campaign appeared in local newspapers, on billboards, and featured on local radio and television.  Call Them Out was also part of the Anglia Ruskin x KNOW Violence Against Women exhibition which ran in the city of Cambridge and attracted national attention.

The Impact.

How did the campaign do? 

The campaign overall delivered over 6.7 million impressions and reached 349,224 people in Cambridgeshire. We were able to forge positive relationships with Universities, Charities, and other important organisations to work together to end violence against women.

2 campaign branded flyer designs laid out on a red backdrop.
240,825 Instagram accounts reached
211,133 Facebook page reach
2,843,591 Google Ads impressions delivered
374,257 Facebook advert impressions