6th March, 2019

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Image for The Behaviour Change Wheel

The Behaviour Change Wheel

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An illustration of families exercising and spending time together in a park.

Using animation to tackle the tough issues

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Two students read together from a book as one points to a part of the page.

A - Z of research methods

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Image for Jack Monroe: McPoverty and a side of lies

Jack Monroe: McPoverty and a side of lies

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A man is looking at his smartphone whilst holding his head in his hand.

Prevention is better than cure - so what are we waiting for?

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A woman reading a menu at a restaurant.

Can you still have your cake and eat it?

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A computer screen on an office desk displays the words 'marketing strategy'.

Who cares about chartered marketers?

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2 people hold a refuse sack open as they throw in plastic waste.

#Trashtag: Why is it so important?

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A woman sitting at her kitchen table with a mug in hand, laughs as her partner kisses her cheek.

‘Jiggle Wiggle’ hits the headlines

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A line of wooden cubes with letters on them that spell out 'behaviour'.

Which is better to drive behaviour change… evidence or emotion?

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A tabletop view of someone writing in their notepad, with a pair of glasses set down to the side.

Why campaigns need to fail to succeed

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A health professional wearing rubber gloves in the midst of performing a smear test.

Why are people failing to attend for smear tests?

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