By understanding human behaviour and applying evidence-based strategies, organisations can foster a culture that promotes mental wellbeing, productivity, and employer satisfaction. Behavioural science encompasses various disciplines, including psychology, sociology, and, neuroscience, to study human behaviour and decision-making. Here are some aspects to take into account to help improve mental health in the workplace: 

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Establishing routines to form habits 

Creating positive habits is key to maintaining good mental health. Behavioural science suggests that when activities are simple to carry out and provide immediate rewards, it's more likely they became habits. Establishing routines that encourage wellbeing, such as setting aside time for relaxation techniques, gratitude exercises, or mindfulness exercises, are routines that can reinforce positive mental health habits. 


Promoting holistic wellbeing 

To tackle mental health issues, other areas of wellbeing need to be targeted as well. Having a holistic approach can help improve the overall wellbeing of the employee. Modifying the work environment can have a profound impact on concentration and creative development. For example, acquiring ergonomic furniture that could increase comfort and avoid injuries like back and shoulder pain, are good methods to support employee wellbeing.  

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Nudging positive behaviours  

There are a number of interventions that could lead individuals to make positive choices that support their overall wellbeing. Organisations can use nudges to encourage healthy behaviours, such as encouraging regular breaks, physical activity, and seeking support when necessary. This could be as simple reminders to take regular breaks that could potentially positively affect the employee behaviour and enhance mental health. 

Establishing a supportive network 

Social conventions and the actions of those around us have a big impact on how people behave. Organisations can promote a culture where seeking help is normalised by promoting open dialogue about mental health and offering support networks. Peer support initiatives, mental health awareness campaigns, and employee resource groups can all serve to lessen stigma and motivate people to seek the assistance they require. 

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Personalised methods 

Find out what works best for you, and don’t be afraid of asking for it. Organisations can provide individualised methods of employee support by applying behavioural science principles. The wellbeing of employees can be greatly improved by being aware of their preferences and offering them options that meet their needs. Simply asking a colleague how they are doing sometimes can be enough to open up a conversation and help them feel supported.  

Behavioural Insights for Communication 

Promoting mental health requires effective communication. Employees can feel supported, understood, and engaged by using inclusive language, narrative approaches, and information presented in digestible formats. Finding different ways of communication between all workers can also increase their sense of belonging and self-esteem in the workplace.

Organisations can develop a workplace culture that prioritises wellbeing by putting evidence-based tactics like nudges, holistic wellbeing methods, habit-building routines, developing supportive networks, and personalising approaches into practise. By utilising behavioural science, employers may help their employees achieve mental well-being and contribute to a healthier, more productive work environment. 

Interested in hearing more about mental health and behaviour change? If so, you’re in luck. Our next work-break webinar is coming up on Thursday 29th June at 11am and will explore how people can be supported to improve their day-to-day mental health and wellbeing. You can register for the webinar here