Image for Do you know your MILLENNIALS from your GENERATION X?

The Silent Generation

(Born 1925-1945)

For those still alive, the silent generation exhibit more conservative views than the generations which follow. Their childhood and youth were shaped by war and economic depressions, but fortunately enjoyed almost full employment and prosperity in their later life with the economic boom. They believe in hard work and have a waste-not, want-not mentality. They are the first generation to see the class system begin to break down and contemplated an early retirement.

World events: World War II, the Great Depression, Creation of NHS

Cultural influences: George Orwell, Orson Wells, Gone with the Wind

Technology: Technicolour films, Radio

Economics: The great depression caused a world-wide financial crisis in the 30s and the 40s and they were crippled by war and post war debt. This generation experienced rationing and little to no disposable income. This would continue until the post war economic boom of the 1950s.

As consumers: Despite coming into prosperity in their later life, benefitting from the housing boom and large pension payouts, this generation are not large spenders. Although a number of them do use a computer, they are not likely to make a purchase online or pay attention to ads preferring traditional methods of marketing.

male drinking coffee representing baby boomers

Baby Boomers

(Born 1945-1963)

The 'Baby Boomers' refers to the children born during the period following World War II when birth rates were high and the economy was improving. Most born during this period will be at retirement age now, or in a senior position in their jobs nearing retirement. They represent the largest and most affluent market in history - they were too young to have a personal memory of the immediate aftermath of the war, but old enough to remember the post war high. They are known for their work ethic (influenced by the silent majority), loyalty and they are very focused on their professional lives.

World events: The assassination of JFK, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, the Moon Landing, Korean War.

Cultural influences: The Beatles, Rock n Roll, John Wayne, Economic Migrants from the Commonwealth, Sexual revolution.

Technology: Television and telephones in the majority of households.

Economics: Generally considered to be the wealthiest generation due to growing up in a period of post war government subsidiaries. In 2004, the UK Baby-Boomers held 80% of the UK’s wealth.

As consumers: Baby Boomers are more likely to be loyal to a particular brand than the younger generations. They are also more likely to make a purchase based on the object's value.

middle aged ladies representing generation X

Generation X

(Born 1964-1974)

The introduction of the contraceptive pill in the early 1960s was a huge factor in the lower birth rates of generation X , or the "baby busters" as they are occasionally referred to as. As individuals, they are known for being nihilistic and cynical, and this is certainly understandable considering that they came of age just in time to experience Thatcherism, a series of economic crises, and the AIDS epidemic, just to name a few. They were born into a time where the adult experience was valued over the child experience, divorce rates were high and both parents tended to be in full time work. They are known as the latchkey children, as they lacked adult supervision in the hours between the end of school and the time their parents returned home from work, leading them to be largely independent and self managing.

World events: Thatcherism, the AIDs 'crisis', the fall of the Berlin wall, Band Aid

Cultural influences: Punk, indie movies, mod culture

Technology: Multiple channel television and video players were introduced during their adolescence. The internet was introduced, however it was not widely availible until the 1990s, so most had no experience with it until then.

Economics: They grew up through the tough financial times of the late 1980s, but experienced the housing and technology boom when they began to enter the workforce. They hold the highest employment rate of any demographic.

As consumers: Generation X pride themselves on making informed purchasing decisions and will now turn to the Internet to research products. They are less likely to compare brand in search for value for money - they have been shown to spend extra on brands they know and trust. Marketers have struggled to reach this generation, but they have been shown to adapt to new technology, now doing banking and shopping online (despite being a teenager and young adult in the days when banking was done face to face in a bank).

40 year old parents walking dog with their children, representing XENNIALS


(born 1975-1983)

The Xennial generation is a 'new micro generation' that has recently been coined to refer to those who were born during a period where they do not fit the typical definitions of Generation X or Millennials. People born between 1975 and 1983 were exposed to an analogue adolescence but a digital adulthood. This is the generation often referred to as the last generation of children to play outdoors. As this is a newly created generation category, there is not much data available yet (But our director Kelly falls into this one so she has plenty to say about Xennials). They are said to be the generation which bridges the gap between Generation X and the Millennials, possessing much of the work ethic associated with Gen X, but with the optimism of the Millennials.

World events: The fall of the Berlin wall, Death of Princess Diana, World Wide Web open to the public, the end of Apartheid.

Cultural influences: Britpop (Oasis vs Blur), Friends, rave scene, Ministry of Sound

Technology: World Wide Web, email, AOL, cable for television were all defining factors for Xennials in terms of technology. They are typically more tech savvy than Generation X, adapting to major technological change within their lifetimes. As social media became popular whilst they were in their 20s, they managed to avoid the cyberbullying and sexting pressures that later generations faced.

Economics: This generation got their careers underway before the economic crash of 2008. They benefitted from tuition-free higher education or low tuition fees, meaning they entered the workforce with considerably less debt than those just a few years younger.

As consumers: Xennials are tricky to pin down, as they essentially have one foot in the analogue and one foot in the digital. Xennials are a progressive generation in terms of social and cultural views, so they don’t respond as well to traditional marketing methods as their predecessors.

30 year olds socialising, representing MILLENNIALS


(born 1984-1995)

Millennials (often referred to as Generation Y) possesses many characteristics that are unique in comparison to past generations. They tend to value job satisfaction and fulfillment over wages, they prefer a non-authoritive approach in the workplace and have a preference for immediate feedback. They are more tech savvy than previous generations, leading to a reputation for being self-absorbed and narcissistic. They are also widely viewed as optimistic and progressive on cultural and social values.

World events: 9/11 terrorist attacks, the credit crunch, the war in Iraq, boxing day Tsunami

Cultural influences: The Harry Potter Books, Spice Girls, Reality TV,

Technology: Although they will remember dial-up connection and a time without mobile phones, the majority of their adolescence and young adulthood would have been spent online and they would remember the birth of social media.

Economics: A combination of national debt, globalisation, lack of jobs, rising house prices and lower incomes, the Millennials are said to be the first generation to be worse off than the previous generation.

As consumers: According to research by Inkling, 60% of UK Millennials will engage with online content that interests them, even if it’s obvious that it’s been paid for by a brand. They have been shown to be more likely to be influenced by reviews and blogs as opposed to ads. 78% have said they would rather have a desirable experience over a desirable product.

young people at university, representing GENERATION Z

Generation Z

(born 1996-2010)

As Generation Z matures, we now know a lot more about their values, habits, and the world they are shaping. The oldest members are in their late 20s, and this generation is making its mark as the first truly “tech-native” generation. Raised in a highly digital environment, they are deeply familiar with smartphones, social media, and instant access to information. Due to this, they are often seen as having shorter attention spans, but it’s better understood as their ability to rapidly process and filter through vast amounts of content. They are highly selective about the media they consume and are drawn to short-form, visual content such as TikTok videos and Instagram stories.

World events: Syrian refugee crisis, Legalisation of Same-Sex Marriage, Global Climate Strikes, Trump politics, COVID-19 pandemic, and the Black Lives Matter movement.

Cultural influences: London Olympics, the rise of social media influencers, online streaming services like Netflix, and viral internet trends.

Technology: The tech revolution has continued to shape Generation Z, but more specifically, this generation grew up with social platforms like TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram playing central roles in their social interactions. Mobile devices dominate their online time, and they are adept at navigating the interconnected worlds of apps, gaming, and social media. AI and virtual reality (VR) are also starting to pique their interest.

Economics: Rising tuition fees and economic instability have led some Gen Z members to question the value of traditional higher education. Many are choosing alternative paths, such as entering the workforce earlier or embracing entrepreneurial ventures, especially in the digital space. They also face a challenging housing market, similar to millennials, but with more emphasis on flexible living and renting options.

As consumers: Generation Z is the least brand-loyal generation so far. They demand authenticity, inclusivity, and transparency from the brands they engage with. Social media presence is key, but they also expect companies to take a stand on social issues. Sustainability and ethical practices resonate deeply with them, and they are more likely to support brands that align with their values. Online shopping is second nature to them, and they expect a seamless experience across all digital platforms.

Unlike older millennials who carefully curate their online images, Generation Z values authenticity and prefers raw, unfiltered content. They gravitate towards platforms that allow for real-time engagement, such as TikTok, where creativity and personality matter more than perfection. Influencers remain important, but Gen Z prefers influencers who feel genuine, transparent, and relatable, even when promoting brands. And while there are plenty of risks in having influencers promote brands, influencers have a more direct approach that resonates with the people who follow them on Instagram, YouTube and elsewhere.

Image for Do you know your MILLENNIALS from your GENERATION X?

Generation Alpha

(Born 2011-2024)

Generation Alpha, born entirely in the 21st century, is shaping up to be the most technologically integrated generation yet. From an early age, they are exposed to the digital world through devices like tablets and smartphones, often becoming adept at navigating technology before they even start school. With parents frequently using screens as learning tools, their early development is intertwined with interactive media. While their full behavioral trends are still emerging, it’s clear that technology will play a central role in shaping their habits and preferences.

World events: The COVID-19 pandemic, global climate strikes, and the Black Lives Matter movement are significant markers in their formative years. These events have exposed Generation Alpha to social and environmental issues at an earlier age, potentially fostering heightened social awareness as they grow.

Cultural influences: Platforms like TikTok, YouTube influencers, and online games like Fortnite dominate their media consumption, while figures like Greta Thunberg symbolise a growing consciousness around climate action. These influences are shaping their values and what they look for in both entertainment and social engagement.

Technology: The technological landscape they are born into is evolving rapidly, with AI, smart home devices, augmented reality, and virtual reality becoming more common. These advancements will likely impact not only how they interact with the world but also their future career choices and educational paths.

Economics: While it's too soon to fully predict their financial outlook, Generation Alpha is growing up in a period marked by uncertainty. The rise of automation, AI, and remote working is expected to significantly shape their employment opportunities, making adaptability a key trait they may need in the future.

As consumers: Generation Alpha is anticipated to be even more brand-fluid than Generation Z. Their consumption habits will likely be influenced by social media and peer recommendations, with an increasing demand for interactive, immersive, and tech-driven experiences. Brands hoping to connect with this generation will need to offer dynamic, engaging content that aligns with their digital-first expectations.

Child with technology representing Generation Beta

Generation Beta

(Born roughly 2025-2039)

Although Generation Beta is in the future, early predictions about their world and how they might grow up offer intriguing insights. Born into an era marked by rapid technological change, Generation Beta is expected to experience an even more immersive digital world than previous generations. From artificial intelligence to advanced automation, this generation will be shaped by a society where virtual reality, ubiquitous connectivity, and AI integration are the norm. These predictions give us a glimpse into what life might be like for Generation Beta as they grow up.

World events: It’s anticipated that the defining events of Generation Beta’s early years will revolve around climate change, geopolitical instability, the post-pandemic recovery, and continued advancements in digitalisation. Global efforts to combat climate crises and technological innovation will heavily influence their worldview.

Cultural influences: The cultural landscape for Generation Beta is predicted to be dominated by virtual experiences. The metaverse, where virtual and augmented reality converge to create immersive environments, could be their primary space for entertainment, socialising, and education. As children of Generation Alpha and the youngest millennials, they might grow up in families that are already fully integrated into the digital world, experiencing user-generated content, online influencers, and hyper-personalised media from birth.

Technology: Technology is likely to define Generation Beta in unprecedented ways. Predictions suggest they will never know a world without AI, machine learning, or fully automated processes. Homes, schools, and workplaces may be enhanced by AI-powered systems that provide real-time feedback and personalisation. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) could become the standard for learning and socialising, and they may interact with AI companions or virtual influencers regularly. Smart devices, wearable tech, and even implantable technology could reshape how Generation Beta accesses information and communicates.

Economics: Generation Beta will be entering a workforce transformed by automation and AI. The traditional 9-to-5 job may become obsolete, replaced by flexible, project-based work driven by the gig economy. Economic instability and high housing prices could continue to be significant challenges, with Generation Beta potentially experiencing even more pressure to find innovative solutions for living arrangements, like co-housing or digital nomadism. Sustainability is expected to be a cornerstone of the economy they inherit, with green technologies and eco-conscious practices taking center stage.

As consumers: Predictions suggest Generation Beta will be hyper-connected and expect seamless digital experiences in all aspects of their consumer behaviour. Brands will need to be more interactive and adaptable, meeting Generation Beta in the digital spaces they inhabit—whether in the metaverse, through AI-driven interfaces, or via gamified experiences. They are expected to prioritise sustainability and transparency even more than Generation Z, demanding that companies not only be ethical but actively work to solve global challenges. Virtual products, such as NFTs and digital assets, could be just as important to them as physical goods.

Visual storytelling and authenticity: Building on trends seen in Generation Z and Generation Alpha, Generation Beta is likely to value authenticity and transparency in all aspects of life. However, what might set them apart is their comfort with digital personas—both human and AI. Virtual influencers could become more prominent, and Generation Beta may engage more with content that merges real-world and digital experiences. Highly immersive, interactive, and personalised storytelling through VR and AR could become the standard for marketing and entertainment.

Where do you fit?

Although no individual can be entirely defined by the era in which they were born, generational insights provide powerful clues for businesses and brands looking to connect with different age groups. In behavioural science, each generation’s formative experiences contribute to unique decision-making processes and behaviours, from Baby Boomers' loyalty to trusted brands to Gen Z's demand for personalisation and transparency.

Those who work with us know that we segment people in many ways—usually by motivations, beliefs, and behaviours—but generational segmentation offers another lens through which to understand different audiences.

Which generation do you fit into, and does it reflect who you are today? If you want to talk segmentation then get in touch with our team.

Note: Dates are approximate as there is no standard definition of what the generation boundaries are.